RuraLovers - SEB Creativos | Agencia de Publicidad

Rural Lovers
The vacation rental with
the rural house of your dreams| the apartment of your dreams


Fresh, modern and wide image

Wide, personalized web design that seeks optimal and clean functionality. Personalized Booking with advanced functionality and payment gateway.


Creation of the fully customized and optimized web design to create optimal navigation. With an improved and unique user experience, in which the client will be able to find that perfect apartment, rural house or farmhouse for him. With the inclusion of the Woocommerce Booking payment and reservation system .

With the inclusion of the personalized and innovative reservation and payment system to facilitate the experience of the user and the company.

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A traditional company

We built the first farmhouse between 1985-1990, it is what we call "Cortijo Del Monte". We all collaborate in the construction, mom, dad and the children. The purpose was none other than to enjoy it on weekends and vacation periods ... until the children grew older.

Coincidentally and coinciding with that time, a tourism agent familiar with our farmhouse, proposed us to rent it, since according to it, the farmhouse met all the optimal conditions to offer it to the rental market; We did so and since then our sole objective has been none other than to offer the best service, convenience and comfort.

Later, between the years 1998-2005, we built the other farmhouses, «Cortijo El Paraíso«, «Cortijo Los Almendrales» and «Cortijo Del Sol«. The business remains familiar, the mother is responsible for the interior cleaning and that the farmhouses are not lacking any details, the father is in charge of all the exteriors, gardens, swimming pool, etc., and the children, mainly Carlos, are the responsible for the design and dissemination of the houses in the different national and international portals.


Your business in the hands of professionals