Nare swimwear
development of the main channeldistribution
Let's talk about minimalism at its best.
When we propose the law of more is less in a project, it is not always well received, but this time ... this time the brand allowed it and they gave us the green light to do it. Enjoy Nare.

The Nare website was a challenge from the first moment, creating a design outside the structures or standards that web managers mark us today is not easy. His home makes it quite clear that the balance between minimalist design, brand communication and a correct technical structure is possible. And if we do not see it more often on other websites, it is due to its degree of complexity.
This section could be called “The order in the disorder”. A brand like Nare where every detail is taken care of, could not allow one of its main sections to be one more. This section was designed in an unstructured way with the intention of stimulating the creativity of the visitors by elevating the user experience.
By incorporating a payment platform within it, with some development, the incorporation of a calendar module and the occasional adaptation, the website could already offer up to three types of online tickets for its visitors.

As a result, we can conclude that this store is one of the jobs that we liked the most, a truly well-kept brand, accompanied by an exclusive and personal design.
A work inspired by the platform of one of the brands with the highest rate in the world market for textiles and fashion.
We have no doubt that Nare will penetrate the sector of women's swimwear, the dedication and subtlety behind this company is decisive in its success.
Assessment of the project
Ideas are simple, implementing them is difficult, our focus is on making them come true. That is why we observe and analyze the execution in the different areas of the project.
From the beginning we knew that Nare was a brand-based project, that despite the fact that our main function was to develop its online sales platform, we had to pay special attention to the details of its image.
In the technical part, our biggest handicap was to create a structure out of the ordinary, which would highlight and make its design unique, and which in turn would not affect the parameters set by the different browsers, responsive to all devices, optimal charging times, etc.
We measure what we have done to control, we control to direct and we direct to improve.
Sources; Google Analitycs, Moz and WooCommerce.
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