Learn How to create ads in Facebook Ads easy in a few steps

How to create Facebook Ads step by step

How to create Facebook Ads step by step

If you are a beginner and want to create ads on Facebook Ads quickly and easily, in this post you will find the basics you need to know and learn how to create your ad or campaign in a few steps.


What should I know before I start creating ads on Facebook Ads?

A Facebook ad consists of three parts, which form what is known as “campaign structure“. These are the 3 basic elements that make up the campaign structure and that you should know before creating your Facebook ad.


como crear anuncios en facebook ads


  • CampaignsIn this first block is where you define the advertising objective of your campaign. For example: get leads, get a certain number of clicks…etc.

This is where the segmentation strategy takes place. You may be aiming to target different audiences. If so, you will need to use a different set of ads for each audience. In each ad group you can determine which segment you want to focus on and what your objective is for each of them. In addition, you can set parameters such as the budget you have available, the scheduling of these ads or even determine their location.

  • Announcements

Here we are talking about the creative part. That is, visual elements such as images or videos that will lead users to what you want to promote.


Five steps to create your Facebook Ads campaign

The first step is to access the Facebook profile from which you manage the page where you want to create the campaign.

You will find the ad manager in the left side menu.

This is the page you will see when you click on the ad manager:


Step 1. Choose a target.

Click the +Create button to start building your campaign. Choose the objective you want to achieve* In this step it is important that you have a clear strategy to select the objective that best suits your requirements, for example if they are ads for a sales funnel, traffic campaigns work well.

Important: create different campaigns for your different objectives.

crear campaña en facebook


Step 2. Start creating the ad set.

Facebook Ads will ask you to create an ad account if you have not run a campaign before. Once the account is set up and the payment method activated, go back to the campaign you had started by going back to your profile and clicking on “Create ad”.

The first thing is to give a name to your ad set. Ideally, this name should be related to the campaign and the target audience I want to direct the ad set to. For example: “Campaign to sell a book to millennials“.

Now, the system will ask you to create the Facebook Pixel. This is an analytics tool, a snippet of code that is installed on the pages of a website and allows you to track the actions that take place on your website. This will help you determine, for example, if your ads are being shown to the right people (the audience we will later define). You will also know if the campaign is proving profitable and what the price of each conversion is.

To finish this step, click on “Define a new conversion“. You can configure it as you see fit.

anuncios en facebook ads



Step 3. Create an audience.

It’s time to define the audience to whom you are going to show your ads. Facebook allows you to choose parameters such as age range, gender, languages, interests…

Select the location where you want your ad to appear, choosing the ones that fit your business and the purpose of the ad. You have different platforms: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network or all of them.

Something to keep in mind is that you can also create a custom audience by selecting the source of the traffic which can be your website or your instagram account.


audiencias en facebook ads



Paso 4. Establece el presupuesto y la programación.

It gives you two options. The first one is to show your ad continuously with a daily budget until you decide to pause it. Or you can choose when it ends, i.e. temporarily limit the publication of ads.

As for the budget it can be daily (here Facebook optimizes the ad set according to its algorithm, recommended if it is your first campaign), or a maximum budget that makes the campaign stop automatically when the set amount is reached.

To finish configuring the ad set, you have to click on the “Continue” button and it will take you to the last step: creating the ad.


presupuesto para anuncios en facebook


Step 5. Start creating the ad.

In this last step, choose the content you want to upload. Facebook allows you to choose different formats: a single image, several images, a single video, a sequential ad…

Next, you will need to edit the ad data such as text, header, page from where it will be displayed, URL of the landing page you want to create conversions to. Finally, select “Place order”. Now Facebook has to review the ad before publishing it to check that it complies with its Advertising Policy. Once approved, it will be published automatically.

anuncios en facebook e instagram


Check the performance of your Facebook campaign

Después de crear tu campaña en Facebook Ads, no olvides la parte de medición y análisis de los resultados que estás obteniendo.

After creating your Facebook Ads campaign, don’t forget to measure and analyze the results you are getting.

Recuerda que has creado esta campaña para conectar con tus clientes y alcanzar tus objetivos empresariales (medibles y realistas) y es importante que compruebes que los estás alcanzando. Si no es así, considera editar el anuncio o pausarlo. Una ventaja de Facebook Ads es que puedes modificar fácilmente estos anuncios.

Remember that you have created this campaign to connect with your customers and achieve your business objectives (measurable and realistic) and it is important that you check that you are achieving them. If not, consider editing the ad or pausing it. One advantage of Facebook Ads is that you can easily modify these ads.

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