What transmit the colors on your Web

What transmit the colors on your Web

diseño, diseño grafico, audiovisuales, diseño web


Your website is another way to sell a product, you have to do to reach the eyes of your customers and convince them on first impression. So in addition to consider it a good structure adapted to users is aimed is important to consider the colors that we use in our projects.

The colors is second to our brain picks after the structure for that reason we have to think very carefully which used to sell our product. As we put on top the title of our page to be the first thing you see our customers, We must think of the whole and create a homogeneous structure to convey feelings about your customers.

Colors affect us psychologically and produce certain sensations, which we must take to achieve our goal, we must note that the combination of colors is a cultural thing, so we must be careful what we choose, because we can cause the effect Instead we want to create. For this reason we must know our market niche and to whom it is addressed our website.

To start we know that each color has on people 3 effects:

    • Print: we call the customer care
    • Speech: we got convey an emotion as mentioned above
    • Build: We meaning, it became a symbol

Colors and sensations:

  • Red: Culturally associate red with fiery passion, sexuality, eroticism … but also with danger error. We must be careful with this kind of red used because they produce aggressive effects. Playing with lighter shades of this color we can provide a sensual touch to our website.
  • Orange: It represents joy, youth, heat, summer … cause optimism, security and confidence. Helps reduce fatigue, it is ideal for places where it has to transmit a lot of information.
  • Yellow: The brightest color is the color of sunlight. It causes good humor and joy, stimulates vision and nervous system. It is linked to mental activity and creative inspiration and awakening the intellect, hence it is used to indicate alert.
  • Green: It symbolizes hope, is a hypnotic color, relaxing, it helps to control insomnia, fatigue, … Ideal to counteract the warmer colors.
  • Blue: The most sober of cool colors, conveys seriousness, confidence and tranquility. It is credited with the power to disintegrate negative energies. Promotes kindness and serenity patience, although overexposure to the same causes fatigue or depression. It is also advised to balance the use of warm colors. Ideal for environments that invite the rest.
  • Purple: Associated with the mystery, intuition and spirituality this color helps reduce anxiety, phobias and fear.
  • White: The quintessential purity, peace, joy and neatness, but in Islamic countries symbolizes death.
  • Black: The darker color can only transmit pain, sadness, melancholy and irritability. Denotes power, mystery and style.
  • Grey: You can express elegance, respect, grief, old age and boredom, is a neutral color that does not affect other colors.

Already knowing the meaning of the colors, we can only join them in a balanced and consistent way to convey a sense that the customer perceives unconsciously, in this way we will have a point to get me back.

SEB creativos have a specialized team in design, image, marketing and programming, to get the most performance out of your company and website.


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